January 5, 2011

Off the Chopping Block: Mid-week Hints & Tips

You can't possibly think that I cook EVERY night of the week, can you? ;)

One of the first kitchen tricks that my mother taught me was how to chop an onion. Is it the proper technique? That, I don't know. What it is, is efficient, and that is all that matters to me! When I am pressed for time, the LAST thing I want to be doing is spending time cutting an onion! I usually am "crying" before the skin is even half way off...

Below is a step-by-step guide with images. Key to this is a sharp knife! Just be careful as the onion can get pretty slippery once the skin has been removed.

How To Cut an Onion 101

 1. To start, you need an onion!

2. Cut the top off and discard.

3. Peel the onion.

4. Cut uniform slices (at least try!) into the onion,
being careful NOT to go all the way through the

5. Turn the onion 90 degrees, and
cut perpendicular slices. Again, be
careful NOT to go all the way through
the bottom.

6. Turn onion on its side, and slice
down, making sure to go ALL the way

 7. Continue until you run out of onion!

....and VOILA!!!



*thanks to MK for some inspiration with the post title*

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