February 6, 2011

Reader Recipe of the Week: Blueberry Cottage Cheese Pancakes

One thing that I never knew about my BFF Meg? That she LOVES to cook breakfast on the weekends! She has been telling me about this little concoction she adapted from an online recipe for 4 months now. She finally found the courage to submit it, and I am so happy she did!  I am always looking for healthy, quick breakfast options and this certainly fits the bill. Gary and I seem to be stuck in this rut of ham and egg breakfast sandwiches lately, so this will be a nice option when we are looking to mix things up a bit. Thanks Meg! 

If you are a breakfast person, make this recipe your go-to on weekend mornings. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Blueberry Cottage Cheese Pancakes
(Serves 2 very hungry people)
1 cup old-fashion oatmeal
1 cup cottage cheese
3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup blueberries
pinch of cinnamon sugar
1. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in large skillet.
2. Put everything (except the blueberries) in blender and blend until
3. Fold in blueberries.
4. Pour 1/4 batter into skillet for each pancake, cooking until golden brown on both sides!

*Tip: Not sure when to flip your pancakes? Look for the little bubbles on the top of the batter to start popping. This means it is time to flip!

Serve with butter and syrup, and enjoy!!

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