February 1, 2011

Antipasto Platter

Favorite part about planning a wedding so far? Picking the food!! :) As you know, Gary and I both LOVE to eat, and we have been looking forward to choosing the menu for our wedding for quite a while now. Well? The time has finally come!

Looking at countless blogs to find inspiration, I came across a slideshow from a wedding that took place at the Union League of Philadelphia that was absolutely stunning. I quickly forwarded to Gary to get him excited, and he responds back with: "I want that table 1:33 minutes into the slideshow!". Curious to see which part of the video spiked his interest that much, I quickly went to 1:33 and pushed pause only to find  the largest Antipasto spread you have EVER seen. Should I have expected anything less from him?

Needless to say, I was inspired to make one of my own. The great thing about an Antipasto plate is that it doesn't require a set recipe. For the above platter, I used:
3 blocks of assorted cheese
Assortment of cold cuts, rolled
Marinated artichoke hearts
Marinated mushrooms
Blue Cheese stuff red peppers

If you want to make things really easy, visit your local supermarket's olive bar where you will find an assortment of olives as well as marinated vegetables, cheeses, etc.

Add this to your Super Bowl spread - your friends will thank you! ;)

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