January 21, 2011

Zuppa di Pomodoro

So, the temperature in Chicago was -18 degrees today (OK, I factored in wind chill, but still!!!). You know the drill for temperatures like that. Soup is on the menu AGAIN!

This one was adapted from a Trader Joe's taste sample they have in the back of the store and I just had to share. Partly because of its simplicity, but mainly because of the taste! Enjoy!

Zuppa di Pomodoro
(serves 4)

1 box organic roasted red pepper and tomato soup
1 28 ounce can plum tomatoes (reduced sodium if possible), chopped
1/2 cup orzo, cooked
1 cup spinach
grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

1. Pour box of roasted red pepper & tomato soup into medium sauce pan. Add plum tomatoes. Simmer on low heat.
2. Meanwhile, cook orzo according to package directions. Add to soup.
3. Add spinach, and cook for 10 minutes on medium-low.
4. Dish into individual bowls, garnish with Parmesan cheese, and serve!

Happy Friday!

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